* 17th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications (CPPA 2017)
Magurele, Bucharest, ROMANIA, June 15-20, 2017 |
* Premiul Academiei Romane "DRAGOMIR HURMUZESCU" acordat lui Gheorghe Dinescu, Sorin Ionuţ Vizireanu, Bogdana-Maria Mitu pentru grupul de lucrări: Contribuţii la sinteza şi caracterizarea structurilor grafenice tip pereţi nanometrici de carbon
* International Student Workshop on Laser Applications (ISWLA 2011)
Bran, Romania, May 31 - June 4, 2011 |
* XXX International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG 2011)
Belfast, Northern Ireland, August 28 – September 2, 2011 |
* 17th International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies (VEIT 2011)
Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 19 - 23 September, 2011
* Tuesday March 18th 2014, Dr. Daniela Ionita, Obtinerea suprafetelor nanostructurate folosind litografia coloidala
si corodarea in plasma de presiune atmosferica
* Tuesday March 25th 2014, Dr. Maximilian Teodorescu, Mono-filamentul |
* Tuesday February 11th 2014, Dr. Daniel Stoica, Influenta parametrilor experimentali asupra morfologiei peretilor nanometrici de carbon |
* Tuesday January 28th 2014, Dr. Tomy Acsente |
* Tuesday January 14th 2014, Dr. Andrada Lazea-Stoyanov, Metallic particle synthesis by RF plasma jet |
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Romania is member of the European Higher Education Area and part of the Bologna Process. The higher education is organized in three cycles: undergraduate, graduate (master) and doctoral. The normal undergraduate cycle is three or four years, the master cycle is one to two years, and the doctoral cycle is three years long. The doctoral studies are organized in various domains, in the frame of Doctoral Schools coordinated by Universities. A specific fact is that according to the Education law the Universities organize the Doctoral Schools in the frame of consortia with Research Institutes. Such us, some of the students perform their research stages and training in the Research laboratories from Institutes, while some of the highest ranked researchers may act as Professors and PhD supervisors in the doctoral activities of the Doctoral Schools. In the case of National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics the strongest collaboration is set with the Faculty of Physics and Doctoral School of Physics, University of Bucharest. This collaboration is reinforced by the fact that these institutions are located in the same research area, the Physics Campus in Magurele. The Plasma Processes, Materials and Surfaces Group, is strongly involved in such educational activities, by performing with the students laboratory works, offering courses on plasma physics and technology, and accommodating Undergraduate, MSc and PhD students for performing their works for diploma, dissertation and PhD theses. A summary of recent accomplishments in the Education domain, performed in collaboration with the University of Bucharest, includes:
- Educational projects:
- EURATOM, EUROfusion Consortium, Work Package EDUCATION, PhD and pre-doctoral Programme, Romanian participation to the EUROfusion WPEDU and complementary research / WPEDU-RO
- Science for Public:
- Noaptea Cercetatorilor - eveniment la nivel european (Researchers Night) (2013, 2014, 2015)
- Open Gates - visits in laboratories
- Activities with Faculty of Physics, Univeristy of Bucharest
- Plasma courses with undergraduate students
- Laboratory works with undergraduate students
- Activities with Doctoral School of Physics, University of Bucharest
- PhD supervisor Prof. RS I Gheorghe Dinescu
- PhD students:
Marascu Valentina, Plasma production of metal particles of fusion research relevance and their characterization, at NILPRP (Univ. Bucharest), PhD student from 2015
Lungu Mihai, Methods and devices for surface analysis of fusion plasma facing materials and components, at NILPRP (Univ. Bucharest), PhD student from 2014
Dinca Paul-Pavel, Study of deuterium retention and desorption from thin films consisting of materials of interest for nuclear fusion, student from
Galatanu Magdalena, Advanced composites for nuclear fusion reactors, at INFM (Univ. Bucharest) PhD student from 2014
Iulian Pana, Diagnoza şi controlul plasmelor reactive utilizate pentru depunerea de straturi subţiri cu aplicaţii în optoelectronică, in course
Iulia Anghel, Micro-nanoprocesarea suprafeţelor prin ablaţie laser în câmp îndepărtat şi câmp apropiat, student from 2012
Costel Munteanu, Fluctuaţii turbulente şi discontinuităţi în vântul solar: proprietăţi statistice şi posibile efecte asupra plasmelor circumplanetare, in course, matriculated 2010
Defended theses:
Simona Mihaela Gherendi, Diagnostica de neutroni a plasmelor de fuziune utilizand detectori cu fluid supraincalzit, defended 2016 (former supervisor Prof. Ion Baltog)
Alexandru Petre, Application of accelerated ions mass spectrometry to the study of intersting materials for thermonuclear fusion, defended 2014
Corina Toader (Ticos), Interaction of charged particle beams with complex plasma , defended 2014
Nicoleta Banu, Handling of solid particles from plasma with external fields, defended 2014
Gabriel Voitcu, Kinetic simulations of plasma dynamics across magnetic fields and applications to the physics of planetary magnetospheres, defended 2012
Daniela Piroi, Study of non-equilibrium plasmas in combination with heterogeneous catalysis for the destruction of organic pollutants in air and water, defended 2012
Valentin Ion, The study of optical and electrical properties of dielectric and ferroelectric thin films produced by plasma discharge and laser,
defended 2012
Maria-Daniela Mocanu (Ionita), Plasma processing for surface modification, defended 2012
Cristian Stancu, Plasma processing for surfaces of complex shape, defended 2012
Veronica Iliosu (Satulu), Organic thin films obtained by plasma, defended 2011
Eusebiu-Rosini Ionita, Expanding Radiofrequency Plasmas Generated at Atmospheric Pressure. Applications, defended 2011
Claudia Stancu,
Plasma applications in biology, medicine and the environment, defended
- Bachelor thesis
- Lavinia Carpen,
Utilizarea plasmelor de presiune atmosferică
pentru inactivarea bacteriană în lichide, defended 2016