* 17th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications (CPPA 2017)
Magurele, Bucharest, ROMANIA, June 15-20, 2017 |
* Premiul Academiei Romane "DRAGOMIR HURMUZESCU" acordat lui Gheorghe Dinescu, Sorin Ionuţ Vizireanu, Bogdana-Maria Mitu pentru grupul de lucrări: Contribuţii la sinteza şi caracterizarea structurilor grafenice tip pereţi nanometrici de carbon
* International Student Workshop on Laser Applications (ISWLA 2011)
Bran, Romania, May 31 - June 4, 2011 |
* XXX International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG 2011)
Belfast, Northern Ireland, August 28 – September 2, 2011 |
* 17th International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies (VEIT 2011)
Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 19 - 23 September, 2011
* Tuesday March 18th 2014, Dr. Daniela Ionita, Obtinerea suprafetelor nanostructurate folosind litografia coloidala
si corodarea in plasma de presiune atmosferica
* Tuesday March 25th 2014, Dr. Maximilian Teodorescu, Mono-filamentul |
* Tuesday February 11th 2014, Dr. Daniel Stoica, Influenta parametrilor experimentali asupra morfologiei peretilor nanometrici de carbon |
* Tuesday January 28th 2014, Dr. Tomy Acsente |
* Tuesday January 14th 2014, Dr. Andrada Lazea-Stoyanov, Metallic particle synthesis by RF plasma jet |
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Welcome to the presentation website of the
Plasma Processes, Materials and Surfaces Group
from the
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics
of Bucharest, Romania!
Main objectives:
Fundamental and applicative research on gas discharges and plasma processes;
Process development for new materials, functional surfaces and thin films;
Plasma sources and devices for utilization in engineering, nanotechnology, environment, biology and medicine.
Reasearch topics:
1. Plasma Sources
- atmospheric pressure sources: non-thermal (cold) plasma jets (plasma torch, planar and axial DBD jets)
- low pressure sources: radiofrequency expanding plasma jets, Magnetron Sputtering Discharges (MS), sources for PECVD processing, Inside-Gap Plasma Generators
2. Plasma Synthesis and Treatment of Nanomaterials
- carbon nanowalls (CNW), carbon nanofibers (CNF)
- nanoparticles (carbon, tungsten, iron)
- powder treatment in fluidizing reactors
3. Plasma Processing: Materials and Fusion Technology
- process development: magnetron sputtering deposition, PECVD deposition, combined deposition MS/PECVD
- wall cleaning and thin film deposition (carbon, plasma polymers, metal/carbon composites)
- surface modification at low and atmospheric pressure (polymers, nuclear track membranes, semiconductors)
- plasmas in liquids for chemical decomposition, particles synthesis, biological decontamination
4. Processes in Plasma and their Diagnostics
- Optical Emission Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Electrical probes application during deposition, cleaning, surface modification