Scientific papers:
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C. Uboldi, M.S. Sobridio, E. Bernard, V. Tassistro, N. Herlin-Boime, D. Vrel, S. Garcioa-Argote, S. Roche, F. Magdinier, G. Dinescu, V. Malard, L. Lebaron-Jacobs. J. Rose, B. Rousseau, P. Delaporte, C. Grisolia, T. Orsiere In Vitro Analysis of the Effects of ITER-Like Tungsten Nanoparticles: Cytotoxicity and Epigenotoxicity in BEAS-2B Cells, Nanomaterials 9 (9) (2019) 1233
A.I. Ribeiro, D. Senturk, K.K. Silva, M. Modic, U. Cvelbar, G. Dinescu, B. Mitu, A. Nikiforov, C. Leys, I. Kuchakova, Mike De Vrieze, A. P. Souto, A. Zille, Antimicrobial Efficacy of Low Concentration PVP-Silver Nanoparticles Deposited on DBD Plasma-Treated Polyamide 6,6 Fabric, Coatings 9(9) (2019) 581
C. Grisolia, F. Gensdarmes, S. Peillon, G. Dougniaux, E. Bernard, A. Autricque, G. Pieters, B. Rousseau, S. Feuillastre, S. Garcia-Argote, O. Carvalho, V. Malard, I. George, L. Lebaron-Jacobs, T. Orsiere, C. Uboldi, J. Rose, M. Sanles Sobrido, D. Lambertin, D. Vrel, C. Decanis, K. Liger, T. Acsente, G. Dinescu, Current investigations on tritiated dust and its impact on tokamak safety Nucl. Fusion 59 (2019) 086061 (8pp)
E. Bernard, F. Jambon, I. Georges, M.S. Sobrido, N. Herlin-Boime, F Miserque, P. Beaunier, D. Vrel, S. Dine, E. Hodille, J. Chene, S. Garcia-Argote, G. Pieters, S. Peillon, F. Gensdarmes, G. Dinescu, T. Acsente, C. Uboldi, T. Orsiere, V. Malard, B.Rousseau, P. Delaporte, C. Grisolia, Design of model tokamak particles for future toxicity studies: Morphology and physical characterization, Fusion Engineering and Design 145 (2019) 60-65
A. Guerra, A. Achour, S. Vizireanu, G. Dinescu, S. Messaci, T. Hadjersi, R. Boukherroub, Y. Coffinier, J.J. Pireaux, ZnO/Carbon nanowalls shell/core nanostructures as electrodes for Supercapacitors, Applied Surface Science 481 (2019) 926-932
V. Satulu, B. Mitu, A.M. Pandele, S.I. Voicu, L. Kravets, G. Dinescu, Composite polyethylene terephthalate track membranes with thin teflon-like layers: Preparation and surface properties, Applied Surface Science 476 (2019) 452–459
A. Achour, M. Islam, S. Vizireanu, A. Iftikhar, A. Akram, K. Saeed, G. Dinescu, J.J. Pireaux, Orange/Red Photoluminescence enhancement upon SF6 plasma treatment of vertically aligned ZnO nanorods, Nanomaterials 9(5) (2019) 794
L. Wang, N. Cvetanovic, B. Obradović, G. Dinescu, C. Leys, Christophe; A. Nikiforov, Investigation of Atmospheric Pressure RF Discharge with Coexisting α and γ -Modes, Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28 (5) (2019) 055010
A. Achour, S. Solaymani, S. Vizireanu, A. Baraket, A. Vesel, N. Zine, A. Errachid, G. Dinescu, J.J. Pireaux, Effect of nitrogen configuration on carbon nanowall surface: Towards the improvement of electrochemical transduction properties and the stabilization of gold nanoparticles, Materials Chemistry and Physics 228 (2019) 110-117
L.G. Carpen, C. Chireceanu, M. Teodorescu, A. Chiriloaie, A. Teodoru, G. Dinescu, The effect of argon/oxygen and argon/nitrogen atmospheric plasma jet on stored products pests, Romanian Journal of Physics 64, 3-4 (2019) 503
E.C. Stancu, S. Vizireanu, A. Quade, A.M. Stanciuc, L. Moldovan, G. Dinescu, Modification of carbon nano-walls using low pressure plasma to enhance the fibroblast attachment, Romanian Journal of Physics 64 (3-4) (2019) 504
S.D. Stoica, S. Vizireanu, T. Acsente, G. Dinescu, “Hybrid Nanomaterial Architectures: Combining Layers of Carbon Nanowalls, Nanotubes, and Particles”, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 38 (4) (2018) 695-706
G. Wu, E.H. Choi , P.K. Chu, G. Dinescu, R. Jung, Y. Zhao, Recent Applications of Scanning Microscopy in Surface Engineering, Scanning, vol. 2018, Article ID 7546310, 2 pages, (2018)
D.M. Panaitescu, S. Vizireanu, C.A. Nicolae, A.N. Frone, A. Casarica, L.G. Carpen, G. Dinescu, Treatment of Nanocellulose by Submerged Liquid Plasma for Surface Functionalization, Nanomaterials 8 (2018) 467
L.I. Kravets, V.A. Altynov, M. Yu. Yablokov, A.B. Gilman, V. Satulu, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, Investigation of Morphology and Chemical Structure of Nanosized Polytetrafluoroethylene Films Deposited on the Surface of Track-Etched Membranes by Plasma Processing, High Energy Chemistry 52 (4) (2018) 335–342
A. Achour, M. Islam, S. Solaymani, S. Vizireanu, K. Saeed, G. Dinescu, Influence of plasma functionalization treatment and gold nanoparticles on surface chemistry and wettability of reactive-sputtered TiO2 thin films, Applied Surface Science 458 (2018) 678-685
E.C. Stancu, M.D. Ionita, E.R. Ionita, M. Teodorescu, M.T. Radu, G. Dinescu, Processing of Polyvinyl Chloride Surfaces with Atmospheric Pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharges for Urology Applications, Romanian Journal of Physics 63, 705 (2018)
L.I. Kravets, V.A. Altynov, A.B. Gilman, M. Yu. Yablokov, V. Satulu, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, Deposition of fluorinated polymer films onto Track-etched memnbrane surface, Romanian Reports in Physics 70, 516 (2018)
D.M. Panaitescu, E.R. Ionita, C.A. Nicolae, A.R. Gabor, M.D. Ionita, R.Trusca, B.E. Lixandru, I. Codita, G. Dinescu, Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) Modified by Nanocellulose and Plasma Treatment for Packaging Applications, Polymers, 10, 11 (2018) 1249
S. Mihai, D.L. Cursaru, D. Matei, A. Dinescu, S.D. Stoica, S. Vizireanu, G. Dinescu, Carbon nanowalls decorated with gold nanoparticles for surface enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures 13 (3) (2018) 743-749
S. Vizireanu, D.M. Panaitescu, C.A. Nicolae, I. Chiulan, M.D. Ionita, V. Satulu, L.G. Carpen, S. Petrescu, R. Birjega, G. Dinescu, "Cellulose defibrilation and functionalization by plasma in liquid treatment", Scientific Reports 8 154 (2018)
L.I. Kravets , A.B. Gilman , V. Satulu , B. Mitu , G. Dinescu , Formation of diode-like composite membranes by plasma polymerization, Inorganic Materials: Applied Research 9 ( 2) (2018) 162–174
L.I. Kravets, V. A. Altynov, V. F. Zagonenko, N. E. Lizunov, V. Satulu, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, Composite bilayer polymer membranes with hydrophobic layers, Inorganic Materials: Applied Research 9 ( 5) (2018) 777–784
L. Kravets, R. Gainutdinov, A. Gilman, M. Yablokov, V. Satulu, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, Morphology and wettability of polytetrafluoroethylene-like films deposited onto track-etched membrane surface in vacuum, Plasma Physics and Technology 5 (3) (2018) 110-116
V. Marascu, A. Lazea-Stoyanova, C. Stancu, G. Dinescu, The influence of plasma operation parameters on synthesis process of copper particles at atmospheric pressure, Plasma Proc. Polym. (2018) e1700091
C. Stancu, F. Stokker-Cheregi, A. Moldovan, M. Dinescu, C. Grisolia, G. Dinescu, Modification of W surfaces by exposure to hollow cathode plasmas, Applied Physics A- Materials Science and Processing 123,10 (2017) 618
L. Wang, G. Dinescu, X. Deng, E.R. Ionita, C. Leys, A. Nikiforov, Mechanisms of sustaining a radio-frequency atmospheric pressure planar discharge, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 26 (2017) 075012 (13pp)
M. Bazavan, M. Teodorescu, G. Dinescu, Confirmation of OH as good thermometric species for gas temperature determination in an atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 26 (2017) 075001
S. Vizireanu, M.D. Ionita, E.R. Ionita, S.D. Stoica, C.M. T Teodorescu, M.A. Husanu, N.G. Apostol, M. Baibarac, D. Panaitescu, G. Dinescu, Aging phenomena and wettability control of plasma deposited carbon nanowall layers, Plasma Process Polym. (2017); e1700023,
T. Acsente, R.F. Negrea, L.C. Nistor, E. Matei, C. Grisolia, R. Birjega, G. Dinescu, Tungsten nanoparticles with controlled shape and crystallinity obtained by magnetron sputtering and gas aggregation, Materials Letters 200 (2017) 121–124
V. Satulu, B. Mitu, V.A. Altynov, N.E. Lizunov, L. Kravets, G. Dinescu, Synthesis and characterization of porous composite membranes with hydrophilic/hydrophobic sides, Thin Solid Films 630 (2017) 92-99; DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2016.08.052
H. Achour, A. Achour, S. Vizireanu, M. Islam, A. Arman, A. Ahmadpourian, G. Dinescu, Plasma Surface Functionalization of Boron Nitride Nano-Sheets, Diamond and Related Materials 77 (2017) 110-115
L. Rusen, S. Brajnicov, P. Neacsu, V. Marascu, A. Bonciu, M. Dinescu, V. Dinca, A. Cimpean, Novel degradable biointerfacing nanocomposite coatings for modulating the osteoblast response, Surface and Coatings Technology, in press
Z. Ben Cheikh, F. El Kamel, O. Gallot-Lavallée, M.A. Soussou, S. Vizireanu, A. Achour, K. Khirouni, Hydrogen doped BaTiO3 films as solid-state electrolyte for micro-supercapacitor applications, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 721 (2017) 276-284
B. Mitu, A. Matei, M. Filipescu, A. Palla Papavlu, A. Bercea, T. Lippert, M. Dinescu, Ferrocene pixels by laser-induced forward transfer: towards flexible microelectrode printing, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 (2017) 115601
V. Marascu, A. Lazea-Stoyanova, C. Stancu, G. Dinescu, The influence of plasma operation parameters on synthesis process of copper particles at atmospheric pressure, Plasma Process Polym, DOI: 10.1002/ppap.201700091 (2017)
M.A. Gentoiu, R. Betancourt-Riera, S. Vizireanu, I. Burducea, V. Marascu, S.D. Stoica, B.I. Bita, G. Dinescu, R.R. Aroche, Morphology, microstructure and hydrogen content of carbon nanostructures obtained by PECVD at various temperatures Journal of Nanomaterials, 2017, Vol. 2017, Article ID 1374973 (8 pp)
Invited lectures
G. Dinescu, E.R. Ionita, M.D. Ionita, M. Teodorescu, V. Marascu, A. Lazea-Stoyanova, Radiofrequency Cold Plasma Jets Generated at Atmospheric Pressure: from Principles to Applications, International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), April 24-28, 2017 San Diego, California, USA (INVITED, Session G5: Atmospheric Plasma Applications;
B. Mitu, S.D. Stoica, S. Vizireanu, G. Dinescu, Process diagnostics during nanocarbon growth by RF plasma jet, 17th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications (17th CPPA), June 15-20, Magurele, ROMANIA;
C. Stancu, D. Alegre, E.R. Ionita, B. Mitu, C. Grisolia, F.L. Tabares, G. Dinescu, Cleaning of carbon materials from flat surfaces and castellation gaps by an atmospheric pressure plasma jet, Fusion Engineering and Design 103 (2016) 38–44
V. Mărăscu, S. Vizireanu, S.D. Stoica, V. Barna, A. Lazea-Stoyanova, G. Dinescu, FTIR investigation of the ageing process of carbon nanowalls, Romanian Reports in Physics, 68 3 (2016)
M.D. Ionita, S. Vizireanu, S.D. Stoica, M. Ionita, A.M. Pandele, A. Cucu, I. Stamatin, L.C. Nistor, G. Dinescu, Functionalization of carbon nanowalls by plasma jet in liquid treatment, Eur. Phys. J. D (2016) 70: 31 DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2016-60499-8
T. Acsente, M.D. Ionita, M. Teodorescu, V. Marascu, G. Dinescu, Surface modification of polymethylmethacrylate foils using an atmospheric pressure plasma jet in presence of water vapors, Thin Solid Films 614 (2016) 25-30
C. Constantinescu, S. Vizireanu, V. Ion, G. Aldica, S.D. Stoica, A. Lazea-Stoyanova, A.-P. Alloncle, P. Delaporte, G. Dinescu, Laser-induced forward transfer of carbon nanowalls for soft electrodes fabrication, Applied Surface Science, 374 (2016) 49-55
R. Ion, S. Vizireanu, C. Luculescu, A. Cimpean, G. Dinescu, Vertically, interconnected graphene carbon nanowalls as biocompatible scaffolds for osteoblast cells, J. Phys D: Appl. Phys, 49 (2016) 274004 (6pp)
A.Y. Nikiforov, E.R. Ionita, G. Dinescu, C. Leys, Characterization of a planar 8 mm atmospheric pressure wide radiofrequency plasma source by spectroscopy techniques, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 58 (1) (2016) 14013
D. Pantelica, P. Ionescu, H. Petrascu, M.D. Dracea, M. Statescu, E. Matei, O. Rasoga, C. Stancu, V. Marascu, V. Ion, T. Acsente, G. Dinescu, Characterization of hydrogenated and deuterated silicon carbide films codeposited by magnetron sputtering, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 371, 322-326 (2016)
Ion R; Vizireanu S; Luculescu C; Cimpean A; Dinescu G., Vertically interconnected carbon nanowalls as biocompatible scaffolds for osteoblast cells, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49, 274004, (2016)
V. Satulu, B. Mitu, V.A. Altynov, N.E. Lizunov, L. Kravets, G. Dinescu, Synthesis and characterization of porous hydrophilic/hydrophobic composite membranes, Thin Solid Films, (2016)
V. Satulu, M. D. Ionita, S. Vizireanu, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, Plasma processing with fluorine chemistry for modification of surface wettability, Molecules, 21, 12, 1711, (2016)
R. Ion, S. Vizireanu, C. E. Stancu, A. Cimpean, C. Luculescu, A. Cimpean, G. Dinescu, Surface plasma functionalization influences macrophage behavior on carbon nanowalls, Materials Science and Engineering C, 48, 118–125, 2015
C. Grisolia, E. Hodille, J. Chêne, S. Garcia-Argote, G. Pieters, A. El-Kharbachi, L. Marchetti, F. Martin, F. Miserque, D. Vrel, M. Redolfi, V. Malard, G. Dinescu, T. Acsente, F. Gensdarmes, S. Peillon, B. Pegourié and B. Rousseau, Tritium absorption and desorption in ITER relevant materials: comparative study of tungsten dust and massive samples, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 11/2014; DOI:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.10.089
M. Mozetic, A. Vesel, S. D. Stoica, S. Vizireanu, G. Dinescu, R. Zaplotnik, Oxygen atom loss coefficient of carbon nanowalls, Applied Surface Science, Applied Surface Science, 333, 207–213, 2015
A. Lazea-Stoyanova, A. Vlad, A. M. Vlaicu, V.S. Teodorescu, G. Dinescu, Synthesis of copper particles by non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma jet Plasma Processes and Polymers, 12, 8, (2015) 705-709.
M. Teodorescu, E.R. Ionita, M. Bazavan, G. Dinescu, Characteristics of a long and stable filamentary argon plasma jet generated in ambient atmosphere, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, doi:10.1088/issn.0963-0252
A. Yu Nikiforov, E.R. Ionita, G. Dinescu, C. Leys, Characterization of a planar 8 mm atmospheric pressure wide radiofrequency plasma source by spectroscopy techniques, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 58 (2015) 014013 (12pp) doi:10.1088/0741-3335/58/1/014013
X. Deng, A. Yu Nikiforov, E.R. Ionita, G. Dinescu, C. Leys, Absolute and relative emission spectroscopy study of 3 cm wide planar radio frequency atmospheric pressure bio-plasma source, Applied Physics Letter 107, 053702, 2015
D. Dobrin, M. Magureanu , N.B. Mandache, M.D. Ionita, The effect of non-thermal plasma treatment on wheat germination and early growth, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 29, 25-16-, 2015
L.I. Kravets, A.B. Gilman, G. Dinescu, Modification of polymer membrane properties by low-temperature plasma, Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 85, 5, 1284-1301, 2015
T. Acsente, R.F. Negrea, L.C. Nistor, C. Logofatu, E. Matei, R. Birjega, C. Grisolia, G. Dinescu, Synthesis of flower-like tungsten nanoparticles by magnetron sputtering combined with gas aggregation, European Physical Journal D, 69, 6, 161, 2015
Kravets L. I., Yablokov M. Y., Gilman A. B., Shchegolikhin A. N., Mitu B., Dinescu G., Micro- and nanofluidic diodes based on track-etched poly(ethylene terephthalate) membrane, High Energy Chemistry,
49, 5, 367-374, 2015
Alegre D., Acsente T., Martin-Rojo A. B., Oyarzabal E., Tabares F. L., Dinescu G., De Temmerman G., Birjega R., Logofatu C., Kovac J., Mozetic M., Characterisation of tungsten nitride layers and their erosion under plasma exposure in nano-psi, Romanian Reports in Physics, 67, 2, 532-546, 2015
D. Pantelica, P. Ionescu, H. Petrascu, M.D. Dracea, M. Statescu, E. Matei, O. Rasoga, C. Stancu, V. Marascu, V. Ion, T. Acsente, G. Dinescu, Characterization of hydrogenated and deuterated silicon carbide films codeposited by magnetron sputtering, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2015
T. Acsente, R.F. Negrea, A. Lazea-Stoyanova, L.C. Nistor, G. Dinescu, Microstructure of the a-C:H/W layers deposited by plasma assited sequencial deposition method, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 9 (2) 443 - 450, 2014
E. C. Stancu, A.-M. Stanciuc, S. Vizireanu, C. Luculescu, L. Moldovan, A. Achour, G. Dinescu, Plasma functionalization of carbon nanowalls and its effect on attachment of fibroblast-like cells, Journal of Physics D Applied Physics, 47, 265203, 2014
A. Matei, C. Constantinescu, V. Ion, B. Mitu, I. Ionita, M. Dinescu, C. Vasiliu, A. Emandi, Ferrocene, an old molecule with a bright future: Thin films grown by matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation for nonlinear optical applications, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 638, 36923, 2014
R. Pascu, S. Somacescu, G. Epurescu, M. Filipescu, C. Luculescu, D. Colceag, P. Osiceanu, R. Birjega, B. Mitu, Pulsed laser deposition of yttria stabilized zirconia based heterostructure,Thin Solid Films, 98, 46784, 2014
C. Constantinescu, A. Matei, V. Ion, B. Mitu, I. Ionita, M. Dinescu, C.R. Luculescu, C. Vasiliu, A. Emandi, Ferrocene carboxaldehyde thin films grown by matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation for non linear optical applications, Applied Surface Science, 83, 2014
A. Vlad, R. Birjega, A. Matei, C. Luculescu, B. Mitu, M. Dinescu, R. Zavoianu, O.D. Pavel, Retention of heavy metals on layered double hydroxides thin films deposited by pulsed laser deposition, Applied Surface Science, 99, 2014
L. Rusen, V. Dinca, B. Mitu, C. Mustaciosu, M. Dinescu, Temperature responsive functional polymeric thin films obtained by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation for cells attachment-detachment study, Applied Surface Science, 134, 2014
V.N. Cancea, V. Ion, M. Filipescu, F. Stokker-Cheregi, M. Dumitru, D. Colceag, M.D. Ionita, M. Dinescu, Effect of substrate composition and topography on the improvement of wettability of titanium dioxide thin films, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 16 (7-8) 804-811, 2014
L.I. Kravets, S.N. Dmitriev, V. Satulu, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, Formation of composite polymer 'diode-like' membranes, Romanian Reports in Physics, 66 (4) 1165-1179, 2014
P. Pantelica, P. Ionescu, H. Petrascu, C.R. Nita, E. Matei, O. Rasoga, T. Acsente, G. Dinescu, Characterization of hydrogenated and deuterated thin carbon films deposited by magnetron sputtering, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 331, 121-124, 2014
T.M. Dinh, A. Achour, S. Vizireanu, G. Dinescu, L. Nistor, K. Armstrong, D. Guay, D. Pech, Hydrous RuO2/carbon nanowalls hierarchical structures for all-solid-state ultrahigh-energy-density micro-supercapacitors, Nano Energy, 10, 288–294, 2014
A. Lazea-Stoyanova, M. Enculescu, S. Vizireanu, V. Marascu, G. Dinescu, Effects of process parameters on growth of metal particles by atmospheric pressure plasma jet, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 9 (3), 1241 - 1247, 2014
D.L. Cursaru, S. Vizireanu, S. Mihai, D. Ghiţă, S.D. Stoica, G. Dinescu, Friction and wear properties of carbon nanowalls coatings, DIGEST Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures 9, 1105-1114, 2014
L. I. Kravets, A. B. Gilman, M. Yu. Yablokov, V. M. Elinson, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, Surface and electrochemical properties of polypropylene track membrane modified by plasma of non-polymerizing gases, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 49, 7, 680-692, 2013
A. Matei, J. Schou, S. Canulescu, M. Zamfirescu, C. Albu, B. Mitu, E.C. Buruiana, T. Buruiana, C. Mustaciosu, I. Petcu, M. Dinescu, Functionalized ormosil scaffolds processed by direct laser polymerization for application in tissue engineering, Applied Surface Science, 278, 357-361, 2013
A. Achour, B. Belkerk, K. A. Aissa, S. Vizireanu, E. Gautron, M. Carette, P-Y. Jouan, G. Dinescu, L. Le Brizoual, Y. Scudeller, M-A. Djouadi, "Thermal properties of carbon nanowalls layers measured by pulsed photothermal technique", Applied Physics Letters, 102, 061903, 2013
S. Vizireanu, G. Dinescu, L.C. Nistor, M. Baibarac, G. Ruxanda, M. Stancu, D.M. Ciuparu, "Stability of carbon nanowalls against chemical attack with acid solutions", Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 47, 59, 2013
A. Achour, S. Vizireanu, G. Dinescu, Le Brizoual, M-A. Djouadi and M. Boujtita, "Electrochemical anodic oxidation of nitrogen doped carbon nanowall films", Applied Surface Science, 273, 49-57, 2013
L. Kravets, A. Gilman, M. Yablokov, V. Elinson, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, "Surface and Electrochemical Properties of Plasma-Treated Polypropylene Track Membrane", Plasma Processes and Polymers, 10, 603–618, 2013 | DOI: 10.1002/ppap.201200084
R. Birjega, A. Matei, B. Mitu, M.D. Ionita, M. Filipescu, F. Stokker-Cheregi, C. Luculescu, M. Dinescu, R. Zavoianu, O.D. Pavel, M.C. Corobea, "Layered double hydroxides/polymer thin fi lms grown by matrix assisted pulsedlaser evaporation", Thin Solid Films, 2013
L. Rusen, C. Mustaciosu, B. Mitu, M. Filipescu, M. Dinescu, V. Dinca, "Protein-resistant polymer coatings obtained by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation", Applied Surface Science, 278, 198–202, 2013
S. Somacescu, R. Scurtu, G. Epurescu, R. Pascu, B. Mitu, P. Osiceanu, M. Dinescu, "Thin films of SnO2–CeO2 binary oxides obtained by pulsed laser deposition for sensing application", Applied Surface Science, 278, 146-152, 2013
M. Filipescu, V. Ion, S. Somacescu, B. Mitu, M. Dinescu, "Investigation of Ta2O5 and TaSixOy thin films obtained by radio frequency plasma assisted laser ablation for gate dielectric applications", Applied Surface Science, 276, 691-696, 2013
S. Vizireanu, M. D. Ionita, G. Dinescu, I. Enculescu, M. Baibarac, I. Baltog, "Post-synthesis carbon nanowalls transformation under hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, tetrafluoroethane and sulfur hexafluoride plasma treatments", Plasma Processes and Polymers, 9, 363-370, 2012
Stokker-Cheregi, T. Acsente, I. Enculescu, C. Grisolia, G. Dinescu, "Tungsten and aluminium nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation in liquids", Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 7, 4, 1569-1576, 2012
V. Satulu, C. Stancu, V. Ion, M. Filipescu, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, "Sequential PECVD/PVD technique used for the synthesis of copper-polypyrrole nanocomposites with surface plasmon resonance effect", Romanian Reports in Physics, 64, 1345–1353, 2012
M. Teodorescu, M. Bazavan, E. R. Ionita, G. Dinescu, "Characterization of an argon radiofrequency plasma jet discharge continuously passing from low to atmospheric pressure", Plasma Sources Science & Technology, 21, 5, 055010, 2012
Y. Garino, T. Teraji, A. Lazea, S. Koizumi, "Forward Tunneling Current in {111}-oriented homoepitaxial diamond p-n junction", Diamond and Related Materials, 21, 33-36, 2012
A. Lazea, Y. Garino, T. Teraji, S. Koizumi, "High quality of p-type chemical vapor deposited {111}-oriented diamonds: growth and fabrication of related electrical devices", Physica Status Solidi (a), 208, 10, 1978-1981, 2012
S. Vizireanu, B. Mitu, C.R. Luculescu, L.C. Nistor, G. Dinescu, "PECVD synthesis of 2D nanostructured carbon material", Surface and Coatings Technology, 211, 2, 2012
Z. Gonzalez, S. Vizireanu, G. Dinescu, C. Blanco, R. Santamaria, "Carbon Nanowalls thin films as nanostructured electrode materials in Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries", Nano Energy, 1, 833, 2012
S. Somacescu, R. Scurtu, G. Epurescu, R. Pascu, B. Mitu, P. Osiceanu, M. Dinescu, "Thin films of SnO2 –CeO2 binary oxides obtained by pulsed laser deposition for sensing application", Applied Surface Science, in press,, Available online 16 November 2012
A.Matei, J. Schou, S. Canulescu, M. Zamfirescu, C. Albu, B. Mitu, E.C. Buruiana, T. Buruiana, C. Mustaciosu, I. Petcu, M. Dinescu, "Functionalized ormosil scaffolds processed by direct laser polymerization for application in tissue engineering", Applied Surface Science,, Available online 26 October 2012
C.M. Ticos, S.D. Stoica and G.L. Delzanno, "Generation of dust projectiles passing over an obstacle in the plasma sheath", Phys. Plasmas, 19, 083701, 2012
C. Ghica, L.C. Nistor, S. Vizireanu, G. Dinescu, "Annealing of hydrogen-induced defects in RF-plasma-treated Si wafers: ex situ and in situ transmission electron microscopy studies", Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 44, 29, 295401, DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/44/29/295401, Published: Jul 27 2011
T. Acsente, E.R. Ionita, C. Stancu, M.D. Ionita, G. Dinescu, C. Grisolia, "OES monitoring of sequential deposition of C/W layers by PECVD/magnetron sputtering techniques", Surface & Coatings Technology, 205, 2, S402-S406 DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2011.03.085, Published: JUL 25 2011
T. Acsente, E.R. Ionita, D. Colceag, A. Moldovan, C. Luculescu, R. Birjega, G. Dinescu, "Properties of composite a-C:H/metal layers deposited by combined RF PECVD/magnetron sputtering techniques", Thin Solid Films, 519, 12, Special Issue: SI, 4054-4058 , Published: Apr 1 2011
C. Stancu, M. Teodorescu, A.C. Galca, G. Dinescu, " Carbon layers cleaning from inside of narrow gaps by a RF glow discharge", Surface & Coatings Technology, 205, 2, S435-S438, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2011.03.090, Published: Jul 25 2011
L.I. Kravets, S.N. Dmitriev, V. Satulu, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, "Fabrication and electrochemical properties of polymer bilayered membranes", Surface&Coatings Technology, 205, 2, S455-S461, Published: Jul 25 2011
L.I. Kravets, S.N. Dmitriev, V.A. Altynov, V. Satulu, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, "Synthesis of Bilayer Composite Nanomembranes with Conductivity Asymmetry", Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 47, 4, 470-481, Published: Apr 2011
L. Kravets, S. Dmitriev, G. Dinescu, V. Sleptsov, V. Elinson, " Modification of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) Track Membrane Properties by Plasma Chemical Method", Materials Science Forum, 636-637, 805-811 (2010)
J.D. Pedarnig, J. Heitz, E.R. Ionita, G. Dinescu, B. Praher, R. Viskup, "Combination of RF-plasma jet and Laser-induced plasma for breakdown spectroscopy analysis of complex materials", Applied Surface Science, 257, 12, 5452-5455, Published: Apr 1 2011
B. Mitu, V. Satulu, G. Dinescu, "Mass Spectrometry Diagnostic During RF Plasma Polymerization of Thiophene Vapors", Romanian Journal of Physics, 56, Supplement: S, 120-125, Published: 2011
M.D. Ionita, M. Teodorescu, T. Acsente, M. Bazavan, E.R. Ionita, G. Dinescu, " Remote Surface Modification Of Polymeric Foils By Expanding Atmospheric Pressure Radiofrequency Discharges", Romanian Journal of Physics, 56, Supplement: S, 132-138, Published: 2011
E.C. Stancu, A.M. Stanciuc, M.D. Ionita, M. Teodorescu, L. Moldovan, G. Dinescu, "Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Preparation of Micropatterned Teflon Surfaces for Interaction with Cells", Romanian Journal o Physics, 56, Supplement 8, 149-155, 2011
E.C. Stancu, M.D. Ionita, S. Vizireanu, M. Balan, L. Moldovan, G. Dinescu, "Wettability properties of carbon nanowalls layers deposited by a radiofrequency plasma beam discharge”, Materials Science and Engineering B, 2010
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S. Vizireanu, S.D. Stoica, C. Luculescu, L.C. Nistor, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, “Plasma techniques for nanostructured carbon materials synthesis. A case study: carbon nanowall growth by low pressure expanding RF plasma”, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 19, 3, 034016, 2010
V. Satulu, B. Mitu , A.C, Galca, G.V. Aldica, G. Dinescu, "Polymer-like thin films obtained by RF plasma polymerization of pentacyclic monomers", J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 10, 3, 631-636, 2010
B. Mitu, S. Somacescu, P. Osiceanu, M. Filipescu, M. Dinescu , V. Parvulescu, G. Dinescu, “RF assisted pulsed laser deposition of electrodes for YSZ based SOFCs”, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 12, 3, 723-730 2010
M.D. Ionita, M. Teodorescu, C. Stancu, C.E. Stancu, E.R. Ionita, A. Moldovan, T. Acsente, M. Bazavan, G. Dinescu, "Surface modification at atmospheric pressure in expanding RF plasmas generated by planar Dielectric Barrier Discharges", J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 12, 3, 777-782, 2010
L. Kravets, S. Dmitriev, N. Lizunov, V. Satulu, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, "Properties of poly(ethylene terephthalate) track membranes with a polymer layer obtained by plasma polymerization of pyrrole vapors", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B, 268, 5, 485 - 492, 2010
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L.I. Kravets, S.N. Dmitriev, V. Satulu, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, “Preparation of Polymeric Composite Nanomembranes with Conductivity Asymmetry”, Russ. J. Appl. Chem., 83, 9, 1628–1635, 2010
L. Kravets, S. Dmitriev, G. Dinescu, V. Satulu, A. Gilman, M. Yablokov, "Polymer Composite Nanomembranes with Asymmetry of Conductivity", Materials Science Forum, 636-637, 812-818, 2010
C. Ghica, L.C. Nistor, S. Vizireanu, G. Dinescu, A. Moldovan, M. Dinescu, “Skin Layer Defects in Si by Optimized Treatment in Hydrogen RF Plasma”, Plasma Processes Polym, 7, 986, 2010
M. D. Ionita, M. Teodorescu, T. Acsente, M. Bazavan, E. R. Ionita, G. Dinescu, “Remote surface modification of polymeric foils by expanding atmospheric pressure radiofrequency discharges”, Accepted 2010 in Romanian Journal of Physics
E.C. Stancu, A.M. Stanciuc, M.D. Ionita, M. Teodorescu, L. Moldovan, G. Dinescu, “Atmospheric pressure plasma preparation of micropatterned teflon surfaces for interaction with cells”, Accepted 2010 in Romanian Journal of Physics
B. Mitu, V. Satulu, G. Dinescu, “Plasma diagnostic during polymerization of thiophene”, Accepted 2010 in Romanian Journal of Physics
J. D. Pedarnig, J. Heitz, E. R. Ionita, G. Dinescu, B. Praher, R. Viskup, “Combination of RF – plasma jet and Laser – induced plasma for breakdown spectroscopy analysis of complex materials”, Accepted 2010 in Applied Surface Science (in press, corrected proof on line
T. Acsente, E. R. Ionita, D. Colceag, A. Moldovan, C. Luculescu, R. Birjega, G. Dinescu, “Properties of composite a-C:H/metal layers deposited by combined RF PECVD/Magnetron sputtering techniques”, Accepted in 2010 in Thin Solid Films
A. Palla-Papavlu, V. Dinca, V. Ion, A. Moldovan, B. Mitu, C. Luculescu, M. Dinescu, "Characterization of polymer thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition", Accepted in 2010 in Applied Surface Science
N.D. Scarisoreanu, A.C. Galca, L. Nedelcu, A. Ioachim, M.I. Toacsan, E. Morintale, S.D. Stoica and M. Dinescu, “Optical and structural studies on Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 thin films obtained by radiofrequency assisted pulsed plasma deposition”, Applied Surface Science, 256, 6526-6530, 2010
S. Vizireanu, S.D. Stoica, B. Mitu, M.A. Husanu, A. Galca, L. Nistor and G. Dinescu, “Radiofrequency plasma beam deposition of various forms of carbon based thin films and their characterization”, Applied Surface Science, 255, 10, 5378, 2009
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E.R Ionita, M.D. Ionita, C.E. Stancu, M. Teodorescu, G. Dinescu, “Small size plasma tools for material processing at atmospheric pressure”, Applied Surface Science, 255, 10 5448-5452, 2009
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L. Kravets, S. Dmitriev, G. Dinescu, A. Lazea, V. Satulu, “Effect of Plasma Treatment on Polymer Track Membranes”, Plasma Processes and. Polymers 6, S796–S802, 2009
R. Birjega, S.I. Vizireanu; G. Dinescu, L.C. Nistor, R. Ganea, “The effect of textural properties of the g--Al2O3: Ni catalyst template on the nanostructured carbon grown by PECVD”, Superlattices and Microstructures 46, 297-301, 2009
I. Marozau, A. Shkabko, G. Dinescu, M. Döbeli, T. Lippert, D. Logvinovich, M. Mallepell, C.W. Schneider, A. Weidenkaff, A. Wokaun, “Pulsed laser deposition and characterisation of nitrogen-substituted SrTiO3 thin films”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 255, 5252-5255, 2009
S. Vizireanu, L. Nistor, M. Haupt, V. Katzenmaier, C. Oehr, G. Dinescu, “Carbon nanowalls growth by radiofrequency plasma beam enhanced chemical vapor deposition”, Plasma Processes and Polymers, 5, 3, 263-268, 2008
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G. Dinescu, E.R. Ionita, “Radiofrequency expanding plasmas at low, intermediate and atmospheric pressure and their applications”, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 80, 1919-1930, 2008
I. Marozau, A. Shkabko, G. Dinescu, M. Döbeli, T. Lippert, D. Logvinovich, M. Mallepell, A. Weidenkaff, A. Wokaun, “RF-plasma assisted pulsed laser deposition of nitrogen-doped SrTiO3 thin films”, Appl. Phys. A, 93, 3, 579-818, 2008
N.D. Scarisoreanu, G. Dinescu, R. Birjega, M. Dinescu, D. Pantelica, G. Velisa, N. Scintee, A.C. Galca, “SBN thin films growth by RF plasma beam assisted pulsed laser Deposition”, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 93, 3, 795-800, 2008
I. Luciu, S. Vizireanu, T. Acsente, E.R. Ionita, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, “Investigation of radiofrequency plasma jets at low and atmospheric pressure by optical emission spectroscopy”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 10, 8, 2015-2019, 2008
A.C. Galca, V. Satulu, M. D. Ionita, M. Bercu, E. Barna, M. Dumitru, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, “Optical and structural properties of polythiophene-like films deposited by plasma polymerization”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 10, 8, 2033-2037, 2008
B. Mitu, S. Somacescu, M. Filipescu, P. Osiceanu, V. Pârvulescu, M. Dinescu, G. Dinescu, “Plasma and laser processing of YZT materials for sensor applications”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 2061-2067, 2008
S. Vizireanu, G. Dinescu, D. Stoica, R. Birjega, C. Ghica, V. Teodorescu, L. Nistor, R. Ganea, “Fe-catalyzed carbon nanotubes growth on fluidized powders by remote radiofrequency plasma beam”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials,10, 8, 2056-2060, 2008
G. Ruxanda, M. Stancu, S. Vizireanu, G. Dinescu, D. Ciuparu, “Varieties of carbon nanostructures obtained by the AC arc discharge method”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 10, 8, 2047-2051, 2008
L.I. Kravets, V. Satulu, G. Dinescu, A.B. Gil’man, N.E. Lizunov, “Preparation of composite membranes by means of plasma polymerization of tiophene”, High Energy Plasma Chemistry, Volume 42, 5, 391-398, 2008
G. Dinescu, B. Mitu, S. Vizireanu, E.R. Ionita, I. Luciu, M.D. Ionita, C. Stancu, C.E. Stancu, T. Acsente, L. Nistor, L. Kravets, "Materials processing with radiofrequency plasmas at low and atmospheric pressure", Romanian Reports in Physics, 60, 3, 679-690, 2008
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B. Mitu, G. Dinescu (eds.), “Selected Papers of the 14th CPPA, September 14-18, 2008, Brasov, Romania”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Related materials, Vol.10, No.8, 1900-2185, August 2008
B. Mitu,
S. Vizireanu, M. Dinescu, V. Pârvulescu, P. Osiceanu, S. Somacescu,
G. Dinescu, "Comparative properties of ternary oxides of ZrO2 - TiO2 - Y2O3 obtained by laser ablation, magnetron sputtering and sol-gel techniques", Thin Solid Films,
515, 16, 6484-6488, 2007
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G. Dinescu, C. Ruset, M. Dinescu, "Trends in combining techniques for deposition of new application tailored thin films", Plasma Processes and Polymers, 4, 3, 282-292, 2007
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M. Braic, M. Balaceanu, A. Vladescu, A. Kiss, V. Braic, G. Epurescu, G. Dinescu, A. Moldovan, R. Birjega, M. Dinescu, "Preparation and characterization of titanium oxy-nitride thin films", Applied Surface Science, 253, 19, 8210-8214, 2007
M. Filipescu, N. Scarisoreanu, V. Craciun, B. Mitu, A. Purice, A. Moldovan, V. Ion, O. Toma, M. Dinescu, "High-k dielectric oxides obtained by PLD as solution for gates dielectric in MOS devices", Applied Surface Science, 253, 19, 8184-8191, 2007
G. Dinescu, A. Lazea, L. Kravets, S. Dimitriev, "Morphological, chemical, and permeation characteristics of plasma modified polymeric track membranes",
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9, 6, 1645-1648 , 2007
S. Vizireanu, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, L. Nistor, C. Ghica, A. Maraloiu, M. Stancu and G. Ruxandra, "Varieties of nanostructured carbon grown by expanding radiofrequency plasma beam", Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9, 6, 1649-1652, 2007
V. Parvulescu, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, Bao-Lian Su, "Plasma and electron beam irradiation induced transformation of V-modified MCM-41 to MFI-zeolite", Studies in Surface and Catalysis, 170A 546-551 (2007)
A. Malesevic, S. Vizireanu, R. Kemps, A. Vanhulsel, C. Van Haesendonck, G. Dinescu, "Combined growth of carbon nanotubes and carbon nanowalls by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition", Carbon, 45 2932-2937 (2007)
G. Epurescu, G. Dinescu, A. Moldovan, R. Birjega, F. Dipietrantonio, E. Verona, P. Verardi, L.C. Nistor, C. Ghica, G. Van Tendeloo, M. Dinescu, "p-type ZnO thin films grown by RF plasma beam assisted Pulsed Laser Deposition", Superlattices and Microstructures, 42, 1-6 79-84 (2007)
E.R. Ionita, I. Luciu, G. Dinescu, C. Grisolia, "Flexible small size plasma torch for Tokamak wall cleaning", Fusion Engineering and Design, 82 2311–2317 (2007)
C. Grisolia, G. Counsell, G. Dinescu, A. Semerok, N. Bekris, P. Coad, C. Hopf, J. Roth, M. Rubel, A. Widdowson, "Treatment of ITER plasma facing components: Current status and remaining open issues before ITER implementation", Fusion Engineering and Design, 82, 15-24, 2390-2398 (2007)
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