* 17th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications (CPPA 2017)
Magurele, Bucharest, ROMANIA, June 15-20, 2017 |
* Premiul Academiei Romane "DRAGOMIR HURMUZESCU" acordat lui Gheorghe Dinescu, Sorin Ionuţ Vizireanu, Bogdana-Maria Mitu pentru grupul de lucrări: Contribuţii la sinteza şi caracterizarea structurilor grafenice tip pereţi nanometrici de carbon
* International Student Workshop on Laser Applications (ISWLA 2011)
Bran, Romania, May 31 - June 4, 2011 |
* XXX International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG 2011)
Belfast, Northern Ireland, August 28 – September 2, 2011 |
* 17th International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies (VEIT 2011)
Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 19 - 23 September, 2011
* Tuesday March 18th 2014, Dr. Daniela Ionita, Obtinerea suprafetelor nanostructurate folosind litografia coloidala
si corodarea in plasma de presiune atmosferica
* Tuesday March 25th 2014, Dr. Maximilian Teodorescu, Mono-filamentul |
* Tuesday February 11th 2014, Dr. Daniel Stoica, Influenta parametrilor experimentali asupra morfologiei peretilor nanometrici de carbon |
* Tuesday January 28th 2014, Dr. Tomy Acsente |
* Tuesday January 14th 2014, Dr. Andrada Lazea-Stoyanov, Metallic particle synthesis by RF plasma jet |
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International Projects:
- TexEMFiRe
Manufacturing textiles with electromagnetic shielding and fire retardant properties by plasma based methods
Novel type of antibacterial coatings on textile materials and plastics with controllable release of antibacterial agent (PlasmaTex)
- Joint research with IUCN Dubna
"Modification of nuclear track membranes by plasma tehniques"
- European Science Foundation. Programme "Cooperation in Science and Tehnology (COST)"
"High pressure plasma sources for processing temperature sensitive substrates"
- Joint research with IUCN Dubna
"Use of the plasma discharge for formation of structure and surface track membranes with the purpose of controllable change of their properties"
- European Framework Programme 5 (FP 5), IST
"Piezoelectric sensor arrays for biosensor applications (acronim PISSARO)"
- Eureka Project GMO-HEMO-QCM
"Development of Quartz Cristals Microbalance based diagnosis systems and instruments to be used for detection of hemoglobinopaties and GMOs"
- EURATOM Project JW5-FT-3.26
"Assessments of detritiation with Ar plasma torch"
- EURATOM Project JW6-FT-3.31
"Development of an Inside-Gap Plasma Genrator for wall cleaning applications"
"Plasma and laser processing of powders for nuclear applications"